TAF/TAP TSI Leporello
We accompany the TAF/TAP-standard right from its start 14 years ago. As the standard encompasses a wide area of data flows it is not easy to keep the overview. Therefore we have been creating a TAF/TAP Leporello (folding book) with the basic concepts of the standard on six pages.

TAF/TAP Test Manager
In order to implement the TAF TAP Standard in your own systems and company, an independent, external test partner plays a major role during testing and integration.
We experienced that during the implementation of the standard many questions came up during integration. Wouldn’t it be helpful to make use of an external test manager in order to try out the workflows immediately?
That’s why we developed the Test Manager. We continuously enhance its functionality to reflect the actual TAF TAF Standard.
The TTM is in use at the Joint Test Platform of RNE.
The technology of the TTM is based on self-sufficient modules, each order able individually.

icRail is an integrated resource planning tool for rail based logistics. It allows to plan schedules for locomotives, wagons and trains including movements and standings for parking, loading and unloading.
The web based solution provides various views on the schedules like calendar view, table based view or time-location views
Several APIs provide import and export of date in various formats. The tool is able to automatically combine movements and standings into schedules.
Instances of icRail can communicate with each other and exchange data (e.g. RU instance delivers movements to logicstics instance), allowing individual planning of resources by each partner in the network